Our Community
We are an inclusive Church which attracts a range of people from different backgrounds and experiences. Some people have been worshipping at this church for many years and some for just a few weeks, but all find a warm welcome from a caring staff and congregation as we come together under the love and grace of God.
Boolaroo Uniting Church has served the local community since 1887. The church building and church hall are one of the few active community facilities in the local area.
The Uniting Church at Hillsborough Rd, Warners Bay, is the gathering the congregations of Queen St Cardiff and Howard St Warners Bay. Extensions to the once "wedding venue" have enabled the congregation to greatly pursue it's goals of moving further into service to the community.
“I have just started coming to Warners Bay Uniting Church and I like that I can learn about God in a very friendly place. I can just be myself.” — Joy
Weekly Activities
Warners Bay
Women on the 4th Monday - monthly
10.00am Men's Bible Study - Warners Bay
1.30pm Boolaroo Church Aid, 1st Wednesday of the month, bi-monthly
7.30pm Table Tennis - Warners Bay
Thursday Hand of Friendship - monthly at Warners Bay
at Boolaroo
10.30am Traditional Worship Service
1st Sunday: 10.30 am Communion service
at Warners Bay
9.00 am Traditional Worship service
2nd Sunday: 9.00 am Communion service
You are invited to become involved in our fellowship activities.
Hall for hire
The Church Hall, which has toilet and kitchen facilities, may be hired for various uses. Please phone, or email.
contact person: Mrs Lyndy Booth
email: twobooths@smartchat.net.au
mobile: 0402 306 281
Hall hire details and conditions are available.