As a Christian community we believe prayer is vital in our walk with God. Each Sunday we offer prayers for our congregation, our country and the world as well as praying for specific people and situations known to us. After our Sunday services personal prayer with members of our prayer ministry team is available in the church.
On Tuesdays there is a particular focus on joining together to pray for our community and the world. All are welcome to join this prayer time.
Most people pray for something at some point in their lives. We would like to encourage and help you in developing your prayer life. Please join us for prayer on Sundays, during the week or at one of our small groups.
Our focus prayer this week is:
• The Church Council
• New Volunteers
• SRE Christian Education Boards (Warners Bay & Cardiff) for their teachers, the children & continuing financial assistance to support their work in our local schools.
• The work of the Pastoral Care Group at The Willows
• We especially pray for all those Church Members experiencing recurring health and related problems, those recovering from recent hospitalisation and rehab, and those awaiting future treatment.
Prayer has a life of its own. If we could define it today, that definition would have moved and changed by tomorrow. Prayer is a living relationship that can never be pinned down and analysed; prayer is a breath of the soul that has passed before we can seize hold of it; prayer is a reaching out of all that is deepest within us towards all that lies infinitely beyond and around us.