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An initiative of the Uniting Church in Australia

Project Reconnect is a resource for small congregations without the services of a Minister. We provide messages based on the Revised Common Lectionary to assist congregations to structure worship. We also provide videos of songs recorded by various church choirs from Together in Song as well as other sources to assist in the absence of a musician. It includes a PDF information sheet with video messages, music resources and discussion starters.

JUNE 2021

​Sunday 6th June 2021 Year B Pentecost 2 "To Whom Do We Owe Our Allegiance?" Pastor Rick Bollen

Sunday 13th June 2021 Year B, Pentecost 3 "New Beginnings" Rev Paul Simpson

Sunday 20th June 2021, Year B, Pentecost 4 "Storming" Rev Steve Everist

Sunday 27th June 2021 Year B, Pentecost 5 "Jesus Crossed Over to the 'Other side'" Rev John Barker

JULY 2021

Sunday 4th July 2021 Year B, Pentecost 6 "Waiting, Waiting..." Rev Phil Swain

Sunday 11th July 2021 Year B, Pentecost 7 "Heavens Above" Pastor Rick Johnson

Sunday 18th July 2021 Year B, Pentecost 8 "Being Torn-Curtain People" Rev Jon Humphries

Sunday 25th July 2021 Year B, Pentecost 9 "Does God Test Us?" Rev Phil Swain


Sunday 1st August 2021 Year B, Pentecost 10 "Politics and Power" Rev Elizabeth Raine

Sunday 8th August 2021 Year B, Pentecost 11 "The Driving Force of Life" Rev Duncan McDiarmid

Sunday 15th August 2021 Year B, Pentecost 12 "God Knows What We Knead" Rev Andrew Jago

Sunday 22nd August 2021 Year B, Pentecost 13 "Happy are they..." Pastor Darren Wright

Sunday 29th August 2021 Year B, Pentecost 14 "Totally Alive in the Faith" Rev Jean Shannon


Sunday 5th September 2021 Year B, Pentecost 15 "The Earth at Centre Stage" Pastor Kim Langford

Sunday 12th September 2021 Year B, Pentecost 16 Rev Tom Stuart

Sunday 19th September 2021 Year B, Pentecost 17 "A Sky full of Stars" Rev Rob Hanks

Sunday 26th September 2021 Year B, Pentecost 18 "From the Mountain Top - perspective" Rev Tom Stuart


Sunday 3th October 2021 Year B, Pentecost 19 "Loving Creation with all your Heart, Soul and Mind" Rev Rod Pattenden

Sunday 10th October 2021 Year B, Pentecost 20 "Am I Good News for the Poor?" Rev Prof Bill Loader

Sunday 17th October 2021 Year B, Pentecost 21 "Discipleship and Donkey Duty" Rev Alan Robinson

Sunday 24th October 2021 Year B, Pentecost 22 "Blind Faith" Rev Andrew Cunningham

Sunday 31st October 2021 Year B, Pentecost 23 "Ruth" Kate Thornley


Sunday 7th November 2021 Year B, Pentecost 24 "Other-ness vs Chosen-ness" Rev Tau'alofa Ango'aelangi

Sunday 14th November 2021 Year B, Pentecost 25 "Prayer of Desperation and Faith" Rev Steve Larkin

Sunday 21th November 2021 Year B, Pentecost 26 "What Kind of King Is This?" Carolyn Sharp

Sunday 28th November 2021 Year C, Advent 1 "Anticipation – A Child for Now" Rev Cherie Strudwick


Sunday 5th December 2021 Year C, Advent 2 "Making straight the Way" Rev Warwick Cadenhead

Sunday 12th December 2021 Year C, Advent 3 "Tis the season to be Hopeful" Elliot Burns

Sunday 19th December 2021 Year C, Advent 4 "Choosing what to Magnify" Rev Tom Stuart

Sunday 26th December 2021 Year C, Christmas 1 "Where is Christ in your life today?" Ashley Ray


Sunday 2nd January 2022 Year C, Christmas 2 "The Word becoming flesh" Rev Andy Corkill

Sunday 9th January 2022 Year C, Baptism of Jesus "Affirmation. Security. Blessing" Gail Hinton

Sunday 16th January 2022 Year C, Epiphany 2 "Grace upon Grace" Allison Forest

Sunday 23rd January 2022 Year C, Epiphany 3 "We are the body of Christ" Nicole Fleming

Sunday 30th January 2022 Year C, Epiphany 4 "Sharing our stories of The Good News" Natasha He


Sunday 6th February 2022 Year C, Epiphany 5 "Taking Risk" Myeongcheol John Oh

Sunday 13th February 2022 Year C, Epiphany 6 "The Blessing of God" Tay Lee

Sunday 20th February 2022 Year C, Epiphany 7 "Love our Enemies" Jermaine Yan

Sunday 27th February 2022 Year C, "Transfiguration of Jesus" Suzanne Holloway

MARCH 2022

Sunday 6th March 2022 Year C, "Making space for Lent" Miriam Pepper

Sunday 13th March 2022 Year C, "Embracing our Brokenness" Tom Stuart

Sunday 20th March 2022 Year C, "Making sense of bad things" Catherine Pepper

Sunday 27th March 2022 Year C, "Boys will be boys" Lothar Nowak

APRIL 2022

Sunday 3rd April 2022 Lent 5, "The sweet fragrance of Jesus"

Sunday 10th April 2022 Palm Sunday, "Jesus' last days"

Sunday 17th April 2022 Easter Day, "An extravagant God"

Sunday 24th April 2022 Easter 2, "God who moves down"

MAY 2022

Sunday 1st May 2022 Easter 3, "Are you listening?"

Sunday 8th May 2022 Easter 4, "What do you see?"

Sunday 15th May 2022 Easter 5, "Cultural baggage can be an impediment."

Sunday 22nd May 2022 Easter 6, "The Pool of Bethesda as a metaphor."

Sunday 29th May 2022 Easter 7, "Looking up?"

JUNE 2022

Sunday 5th June 2022, "Pentecost"

Sunday 12th June 2022, Trinity Sunday, "The Triune God"

Sunday  19th June 2022, Pentecost 2, "One in Christ"

Sunday 26th June 2022, Pentecost 3, "Will you follow me?"

JULY 2022

Sunday 3rd July 2022, Pentecost 4, "Being Sent" - Rev Liam Miller

Sunday 10th July 2022, Pentecost 5, "How can I love my neighbour" - Rev Anton Dykman

Sunday 17th July 2022, Pentecost 6, "What is the Church?" - Rev Sanghyeon (Daniel) Nam

Sunday 24th July 2022, Pentecost 7, "Father, Hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom Come" - John Barker

Sunday 31st July 2022, Pentecost 8, "The Rich Fool" - Rev Paul Simpson



Sunday 7th August 2022, Pentecost 9, "Where your treasure is , your heart is also" - Rev Karyl Davison
Sunday 14th August 2022, Pentecost 10, "Signs of the Times" - Rev Elizabeth Raine
Sunday 21st August 2022, Pentecost 11, "The Prophet Jeremiah" - Rev Dr John Squires
Sunday 28th August 2022, Pentecost 12, "Radical Hospitality in the Kingdom of God" - James Ellis

Sunday 4th September 2022, Pentecost 13, "Jesus is with us in Grace and Truth" - Rev Allison Forest
Sunday 11th September 2022, Pentecost 14 "Rattle and Hum" - Rev Rob Hanks
Sunday 18th September 2022, Pentecost 15 "The Irrepressible Kingdom of God" - Rev Tom Stuart
Sunday 25th September 2022, Pentecost 16 "Safety in Numbers" - Lothar Nowak

Sunday 2nd October 2022, Pentecost 17 "Faith and Duty" - Rev Alan Robinson
Sunday 9th October 2022, Pentecost 18 "Jesus and the ten lepers" - Rev Prof Bill Loader
Sunday 16th October 2022, Pentecost 19 "Enough Prayer?" - Rev Andrew Cunningham
Sunday 23rd October 2022, Pentecost 20 "The Pharisee and the Tax Collector" - Rev Prof Bill Loader
Sunday 30th October 2022, Pentecost 21 "Unmerited Praise!" - Rev Tom Stuart

Sunday 6th November 2022, Pentecost 22 "Where do you stand" - Carolyn Sharp
Sunday 13th November 2022, Pentecost 23 "Work as a witness" - Rev Steve Larkin
Sunday 20th November 2022, Christ the King "Christ the King Sunday" - Pastor Geoff Battle
Sunday 27th November 2022, Advent 1 "Steady, Ready, Hopeful" - Pastor Geoff Battle

Sunday 4th December 2022, Advent 2 "What does it mean to 'Be Ready'?" - Murray Lund
Sunday 11th December 2022, Advent 3 "Attuned to God's Kingdom" - Pastor Kim Langford
Sunday 18th December 2022, Advent 4 "Dreams and Visions" - David Chegwidden
Sunday 25th December 2022, Christmas Day "Christmas is Always Outside" - Ron Pattenden
Sunday 1st January 2023, New Years Day "True Incarnation" - Rev Myung Hwa Park
Sunday 8th January 2023, Baptism of Jesus - Maria Williams
Sunday 15th January 2023, Epiphany 2 "Pray for each other" - Stephen White
Sunday 22nd January 2023, Epiphany 3 "Jesus keeps me safe" - Ross Neville

Sunday 29th January 2023, Epiphany 4 "Truly, deeply blessed" - Rev Dr Mark Hillis
Sunday 5th February 2023, Epiphany 5 "On Salt and Light" - Miriam Pepper
Sunday 12th February 2023, Epiphany 6 "Rope of Life" - Lothar Nowak
Sunday 19th February 2023, Transfiguration "What does it look like?" - Rev Rob Hanks
Sunday 26th February 2023, Lent 1 "Into the wilderness" - Catherine Pepper
MARCH 2023
Sunday 5th March 2023, Lent 2 "Who are You in God's Story?" - Rev Garry Derkenne
Sunday 12th March 2023, Lent 3 "Three strikes & you are in - Unconditional Love" - Elliot Burns
Sunday 19th March 2023, Lent 4 "God - the One who truly sees" - Rev Allison Forest
Sunday 26th March 2023, Lent 5 "Really Living" - Rev Tom Stuart
APRIL 2023
Sunday 2nd April 2023, Palm Sunday "Welcoming the King" - Rev Alan Robinson
Sunday 9th April 2023, Easter Day "Earthquakes at Easter" - Rev Keith Hamilton
Sunday 16th April 2023, Easter 2 "Acting in the Spirit" - Rev Ann Perrin
Sunday 23rd April 2023, Easter 3 "On the Road to Emmaus" - Rev Prof Bill Loader
Sunday 30th April 2023, Easter 4 "Abundant Life" - Rev Prof Bill Loader
MAY 2023
Sunday 7th May 2023, Easter 5 "Can you show us what God is like?" - Bruce Schubert
Sunday 14th May 2023, Easter 6 "We are not alone." - Rev Dr David Manton
Sunday 21st May 2023, Easter 7 "Why the Ascension matters." - Rev Michael Earl
Sunday 28th May 2023, Pentecost "The Breath of God." - Sharon Hoogland
JUNE 2023
Sunday 4th June 2023, Trinity Sunday "The Trinity - Not a Problem, but Presence" - Rev Liam Miller
Sunday 11th June 2023, Pentecost 2 "Faith and Grace, the Best Way" - Rev Paul Simpson
Sunday 18th June 2023, Pentecost 3 "Servant Lord - Servant People" - Rev John Barker
Sunday 25th June 2023, Pentecost 4 "A Local and Cosmic God" - Rev Liam Miller
JULY 2023
Sunday 2nd July 2023, Pentecost 5 "God will provide" - Rev Kevin Kwang Min Kim
Sunday 9th July 2023, Pentecost 6 "Jesus Swaps Heavy for Light" - Rev Jon Humphries
Sunday 16th July 2023, Pentecost 7 "Life in the Spirit" - Rev Phil Swain
Sunday 23rd July 2023, Pentecost 8 "Wheat, Seeds or a Hybrid?" - Liesl Homes
Sunday 30th July 2023, Pentecost 9 "Tiny Things with Great Impact" - Rev Leon Kruger
Sunday 6th August, Pentecost 10 "Feeding Body and Soul" - Rev Karyn Burchell-Thomas
Sunday 13th August, Pentecost 11 "Get out of the Boat" - Rev Gareth Thomas-Burchell
Sunday 20th August, Pentecost 12 "Tamar and Baruch - talking about Jesus" - Rev Elizabeth Raine and Rev Dr John Squires
Sunday 27th August, Pentecost 13 "A Destiny Together" - continuing the journey - Rev Dr John Squires
Sunday 3rd September, Pentecost 14 "Taking up the Cross" - Rev Murray Lund
Sunday 10th September, Pentecost 15 "Practical Love" - Elliot Burns
Sunday 17th September, Pentecost 16 "The Verdict is: Forgiven" - Bec Westphal
Sunday 24th September, Pentecost 17 "Labourers in the Vineyard" - Catherine Pepper
Sunday 1st October, Pentecost 18 "The Two Sons" - Rev Alan Robinson
Sunday 8th October, Pentecost 19 "Our worth in Christ" - Rev Peter Robinson
Sunday 15th October, Pentecost 20 "The Christian Life is a lifelong Festival" - Rev Keith Hamilton
Sunday 22nd October, Pentecost 21 "Jesus' mind-blowing insights" - Rev Tom Stuart
Sunday 29th October, Pentecost 22 "All you need is love and maybe technique....?" - Rev Ann Perrin
Sunday 5th November, Pentecost 23 "Walking humbly with God" - Ian Sharp
Sunday 12th November, Pentecost 24 "Are you prepared to have split vision?" - Pastor Geoff Battle
Sunday 19th November, Pentecost 25 "Who's the hero?" - Rev Cherie Srudwick
Sunday 26th November, Christ the King Sunday "Who is your King?" - Pastor Geoff Battle
Sunday 3rd December, Advent 1 "Everything shaken, what lasts?" - Rev Dr Rod Pattenden
Sunday 10th December, Advent 2 "Beyond the glitter to the gold" - Pastor Kim Langford
Sunday 17th December, Advent 3 "What would John do?" - Rev Allison Forrest
Sunday 24th December, Advent 4 "The extraordinary ordinary" - Rev Sharon Hollis
Sunday 31st December, Christmas 1 "Do you see what I see?" - Lothar Nowak
Sunday 7th January, Epiphany 1 "Follow that star" - David Chegwidden
Sunday 14th January, Epiphany 2 "Called to do great things" - Rev John Queripel
Sunday 21st January, Epiphany 3 " Call, letting go and picking up" - Rev James Aaron
Sunday 28th January, Epiphany 4 "WWJD?" - Rev Murray Lund
Sunday 4th February, Epiphany 5 "Facing our Demons" - Elliot Burns
Sunday 11th February, Transfiguration of Jesus "Practicing Silence and Solitude" - David Toogood
Sunday 18th February, Lent 1 "You are Remembered" - Rev James Aaron
Sunday 25th February, Lent 2 "Listen to Him" - Pastor Siosiana Joyce Tangi
MARCH 2024
Sunday 3rd March, Lent 3 "A Clean Up" - Ian Sharp
Sunday 10th March, Lent 4 "For God so loved the World" - Pastor Geoff Battle
Sunday 17th March, Lent 5 "What is Presious to you?" - Carolyn Sharp
Sunday 24th March, Palm Sunday "Riding on a Donkey" - Ian Sharp
Sunday 31st March, Easter Day "The Resurrection is now!" - Rev Tom Stuart
APRIL 2024
Sunday 7th April, Easter 2 "The Creative Breath of Christ" - Rev Liam Miller
Sunday 14th April, Easter 3 "In the Midst" - Rev Keith Garner AM MTh
Sunday 21st April, Easter 4 "Her Feet were drenched from the Dew" - Rev Liam Miller
Sunday 28th April, Easter 5 "God is Love" - Rev Paul Simpson
MAY 2024
Sunday 5th May, Easter 6 "Becoming Friends of Jesus" - Rev John Cox
Sunday 12th May, Easter 7 "A Fundamentalist about Grace" - Rev Ian Pearson
Sunday 19th May, Pentecost "Transforming Spirit of God" - Rev Myung Hua Park
Sunday 26th May, Trinity Sunday "When Jesus was elected God" - Rev Ian Pearson
JUNE 2024
Sunday 2nd June, Pentecost 2 "How to Interpret Scripture" - Rev Prof Bill Loader
Sunday 9th June, Pentecost 3 "Family Problem?" - Rev Prof Bill Loader
Sunday 16th June, Pentecost 4 "What we see is not what God sees." - Rev Darryl McCullough
Sunday 23nd June, Pentecost 5 "Why are you Afraid?" - Rev Tom Stuart
Sunday 30th June, Pentecost 6 "Hope at the end of a rope." - Rev Alan Robinson
JULY 2024
Sunday 7th July, Pentecost 7 "Something Amazing" - Rev Josh McPaul
Sunday 14th July, Pentecost 8 "A Blessing in De-Spies" - Rev Josh McPaul
Sunday 21st July, Pentecost 9 "Were You Born in a Tent?" - Rev Josh McPaul
Sunday 28th July, Pentecost 10 "On Good Authority" - Rev Josh McPaul
Sunday 4th August, Pentecost 11 "When does Eternal Life Start?" - Dermot Armstrong
Sunday 11th August, Pentecost 12 "Imitators of Christ" - Daniel Gibb
Sunday 18th August, Pentecost 13 "Feeding our Hungry Yearning" - Rev Geoff Stevenson
Sunday 25th August, Pentecost 14 "Working out the Armour of God" - Rev Jon Humphries
Sunday 1st September, Pentecost 15 "Hope and Action: Begin Again" - Rev Rob Hanks
Sunday 8th September, Pentecost 16 "Who is the Dog?" - Rev Mitch Forbes
Sunday 15th September, Pentecost 17 "Forest Ministry for Christ's Sake" - Miriam Pepper
Sunday 22th September, Pentecost 18 "To Hope and Act with Creation" - C. Pepper
Sunday 29th September, Pentecost 19 "Faith Running Wild" - Dr Kira Mileham
Sunday 6th October, Pentecost 20 "What's Cooking?" - Lothar Nowak
Sunday 13th October, Pentecost 21 "Nothing is Needed" - Rev Greer Hudson
Sunday 20th October, Pentecost 22 "Pride in the Name of Love" - Elliot Burns
Sunday 27th October, Pentecost 23 "Seeing is Believing" - David Chegwidden
Sunday 3rd November, Pentecost 24 "Travelling Light" - Rev Garry Derkenne
Sunday 10th November, Pentecost 25 "The Widow's Offering" - Murray Lund
Sunday 17th November, Pentecost 26 "Hannah Prays and Sings" - Rev Elizabeth Raine
Sunday 24th November, Christ the King "A Kingdom not of this World" - Rev Dr John Squires
Sunday 1st December, Advent 1 "Living out a Commitment to the Kingdom of God" - Brian Mowbray
Sunday 8th December, Advent 2 "Roadworks in the Desert" - Rev Alan Robinson
Sunday 15th December, Advent 3 "Not getting into hot water" - Rev Prof Bill Loader
Sunday 22nd December, Advent 4 "Woman's Business" - Rev Prof Bill Loader
Sunday 29th December, Christmas 1"Looking for Jesus" - Rev Andrew Cunningham
Sunday 5th January, Christmas 2 "Faith and perspective" - Rev Nancy Brawn
Sunday 12th January, Baptism of Jesus "Baptism - God's love song to all" - Rev Dale Yardy
Sunday 19th January, Epiphany 2 "Water into wine" - Rev Greg McConnell
Sunday 26th January, Epiphany 3 "Is our body connected and coordinated?" - Rev Glenys Biddle
Sunday 2nd February, Epiphany  4 "God of the Underdogs" - Pastor Ella Evans
Sunday 9th February,  Epiphany  5 "Let down your Nets" - Pastor Somerset Drayton
Sunday 16th February, Epiphany 6 "Challenge to see Differently" - Pastor Joyce Tangi
Sunday 23rd February, Epiphany 7 "Love your enemies, Don't draw lines" - Rev James Aaron
MARCH 2025
Sunday 2nd March, Transfiguration "Transfiguration, Awesomeness" - Rev Geoff Battle
Sunday 9th March,  Lent 1 "The Transforming Power of the Wilderness" - Rev Cherie Strudwich
Sunday 16th March, Lent 2 "Seeking the Lord's Face" - Rev Claire Wright
Sunday 23rd March, Lent 3 "God's second chances" - Carolyn Sharp
Sunday 30th March, Lent 4 "New Rules - New Beginnings" - Carolyn Sharp
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