Weekly Calendar
Aside from our regular services there is always something going on at North Lake Macquarie to which you are invited. We have regular activities each month and each week. Please use the Weekly Calendar below to see what’s happening at
Warners Bay and at Boolaroo this week.
Worship at the Boolaroo worship centre 10.30am
and the First Sunday of the month is the Communion Service celebrating the Lord's Supper
Warners Bay worship centre
9.00 am Morning Worship service
and the Second Sunday of the month is the Communion Service celebrating the Lord's Supper
10:00am Men’s Bible Study group at Warners Bay UC - contact Gwen 0439 605 693
1.30pm Boolaroo UC Church Aid, 1st Wednesday of the month, bi-monthly
6:00 to 7:00pm NLM Spiritual Growth Gathering at Warners Bay UC each 1st & 3rd Wednesday
7:30pm Table Tennis at Warners Bay UC, contact Tony 4954 7905